Monday, January 3, 2011

Chapter 13: Backstories

It wasn't long before she was asked. Kriel knew that curiosity would get better of them.
"So." Harald said simply, nibbling on a stalk of grass, his singed hair a floppy mess due to diving into a nearby river. "Your mother decided to portray you as a prince so them royalty wouldn't try to wed you or attempt to kidnap you of whatever higher-ups do to gain control of the kingdom, and now since they're restless, they, or someone, decided to try to kill you which ultimately led to the most likely capture of my brother. And they Council thinks something bad is behind it so now they're making you go on some quest thing that heroes do."
Suddenly, he whipped out a knife and held the point as Kriel's throat. She didn't move.

"You'll be a lucky prince if my brother hasn't been harmed." The words were spoken in a calm tone, but Kriel clearly saw the malice and quiet fury in Harald's, ironically, sparkling blue eyes.

"Ha-Harald. Calm down okay? Your brother should be fine. Unless you think that he's too weak to defend himself or something." His friend gently grabbed Harald's hand with slightly shaking fingers. Sol took the knife and placed it back into its sheath.
"He'll probably be all right. And hopefully Seriya and the Knightmaster too.."

"Hmph." he grunted, and plopped back down again, eyes shining beneath his hair. Then yawned. "Whatever you say Sol...I'm going to sleep now."
Harald heaved himself up and stalked over to the other side of the campfire, his back to Kriel and Sol.

"I'll...retrieve your brother, I promise." The words echoed emptily in the clearing. Miri looked nervously at the trio standing in silence. Then Reinor snorted in his sleep.
"Eh, I'm not too worried about him; it's him being with Seriya that I'm worried about. Jarald'll probably run himself into trouble for her..." Harald trailed off.
Another awkward pause floated in the air, only broken by Reinor's snoring.
Sol cleared his thought. "Well, uhm, I guess we have well in order to reach Porta Nore tomorrow... So, goodnight..."
The four retreated into silence, and soon everyone but Harald was sleeping. The squire stared off into the forest, then picked up his knife and looked at it. He threw a glance at Kriel, shrugged, and sheathed the knife before wrapping himself in blankets.

(And then I post this like...3 months later. Yey. Does Harald have murderous intentions? :3)

Chapter 13.5: Backstories

The trio and their newly acquired party members sat around a small fire, produced by Reinor. Kriel was still moody over the whole unexpected revealing of her gender and sat alone, under a tree. Seriya had creeped over and was gazing at Kriel with wide eyes.
"Can you tell me your story?"
Kriel looked up. "Story...?"
The younger girl shuffled a bit. "E-to, I kind of want to know why you wa-were acting as boy." Knowing pasts were a sensitive subject, Seriya had crept away to maximize privacy, as Jarald was occupied with Reinor and Miril, the female elf.
"Eh, it's not very interesting. Just a bunch of political stuff." Kriel shrugged and stared off into the distance, but Seriya's burning eyes bothered her.
"Really. It's nothing." Nothing, nothing. A word that rolled around in her mind. The nothing had ruined.
Start, now, past, present. If it was nothing, it didn't really matter, did it? After all, if it was nothing, then it would stay nothing.
The thoughts annoyed her. After all, it wasn't as if the world was going to know. She was already displaced, trying to claim back what she had lost, just so nothing would happen to Marie.
"...Fine." Seriya crept closer to hear her soft mumbles. "I guess, if I'm going to tell you, the others will have to know too."

"Pshaw. This is why I'm downright glad I wasn't born into that high society of yours." Jarald grumbled.
Seriya was a bit confused however. "But why do you need to be a guy? Don't they know that girls are, uh, smart too?"
"I'm not seeing that our benefactor here is smart."
"Jarald!" Seriya socked him in the shoulder. "Say sorri!"
"Well, millidi! You could say that humans are kind of picky. They see power in mali over milli." Reinor the elf, munching on a berry, spoke.
Kriel sighed, not for the first time that night. "He means nobles tend to see men as the dominating figure. They see ladies as merely dolls that they can play around and bend to their will, so if they found out the only heir, well, receiver, of the kingdom was a female, they would grab the chance to try and marry the heir so they can be king. Which, my mother, did not wish to happen. It seems that the ones my father appointed ended up to be the fickle folk, always wanting more power and doing anything for it."
"Sooo, if you were a girl, they would try to play with you? So that they can be emperor?" Seriya asked, befuddled by the long conversation.
"Er, close enough."
Seriya voiced another question. "But why were they trying to kill you if they think you be guy?"
"Because someone wants more power. Or all of them do. And we're stuck right in the goosefeathered middle of it." The squire grumbled again, quite unpleasantly. He threw a glare when Kriel almost snickered at his choice of words. "You lot think our talking is funny. Well, shut the bloody hell up if you're not going to help us normal folk get out of this."
"I highly doubt that our company could be called normal." Then her face fell a bit. "I do need to, however, to get your brother from wherever they're holding him."
"Damn straight. You caused all this, so you better get us out of this mess and keep us out of your Goddess business, too," snarled Jarald, recalling the messenger meeting this morning.
He hefted the heavy lance he was holding. "Or I won't hesitate to run your princely body through with this lance, regardless of what you are."
Seriya, on the other hand, was excited and heeded no attention to Jarald's tone. "Can I come, Kriel-san? I've always wanted to go on a crusade!"
"You're not going on an "adventure" Seri. Meddle with her kind, and you run into a large dose of Defin's misery."
"But you can't forget about us!" Reinor squeaked. "I need help to get home~" He started flashing doe eyes at Seriya. "Pwease?"
The female elf silently poked him in the side. Reinor collapsed into a heap of snoring elf.
As the three humans stared at her, a bit shocked, she spoke.
"So-sorry. He's kind of pushy..." she cleared her throat, "and, we d-do need a little help. We're got caught by this giant bird that tried to eat us- but we got away, and now we're far from home... The Queen will be worried if her two messengers don't come back."
Seriya took up the elf and hugged her. "No need to worry, we're going to take you home!" The girl looked back at the squire and the fugitive noble. "Right?"

Notes: SO MUCH DIALOGUE DASKDANSDKASMKDAMS Welp, I'm done with this chapter, hopefully next chapter gets interesting enough. AND YOU'LL GET TO MEET TWO OF MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS FOR THIS STORY!
LUlz, sorry for the very long wait. :<
Trans note: Defin's misery is a commonly used term for "a lot of shit"
Millidi is a formal term used by elves to say "milady" -di is added as kind of a "my" statement, like "my lord" or "my Queen", etc.
Mali means male and milli means female.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Chapter 12.5: Demon's Reign: Run- Ins

"You are Krielin Lux Lucis, daughter of Vefin Lux and Rachelle Lucis. I come with a delivery, a plea, and a quest." The messenger of the Council, gold-tinted and fair haired, with a wound robe of butter yellow, handed the fugitive king a small slip of a paper like object. Exquisite, furling designs covered the face of it, like a mysterious message encrypted. A five point star was inscribed in the middle, its sharp edges contrasting the furling design. "That is a seal, embedded with the leftover fragments of the Lady's power. It will weaken demons, daemons, or any evil," she explained, "and with that, as well as the Aureus Telem, you will defeat the One-Of-Nameless-Darkness."
"Aureus Telem? One-Of-Nameless-Darkness? Oh, messenger, what do you beseech me to do?" Jarald watched as Kriel grimaced.
"Will you do as told?" The golden lady brushed off his question like a fly.
"...I will.." The answer sounded as if it was dragged from the king.
"Very well. The Council expects you to fulfill your promises..." And with that, the messenger disappeared as if she was mist.
"Oh wonder, chosen one." Jarald applauded and ducked to avoid a fist thrown by Kriel.
"I don't need your sympathy." he said, sarcastically, and sauntered off, simmering.
"What's de Aureus Telem, Jarald?"
The twin shrugged. "I don't know."
Seriya's eyes sparkled. "It could be a unicorn!"
"Seri..I don't think unicorns exist."
"No, they do. I read about them. They exist in the upper northern regions! I've always wanted to see one! Maybe the Aureus thing is a unicorn!"
"Uhm...okay..." Jarald awkwardly responded. Seriya's stories, whether truth or fiction, always overwhelmed him.

It took about half an hour for Kriel to come back. He offered on reasons why for the delay, nor did Jarald question him. The three saddled their horses and made their way through the forest's maze of undergrowth. Seriya did the scouting.
"We turn...left here. Now right. Left, continue north, then right."
Despite the birds chirping and Seriya's voice ringing, the other two party members remained in stony silence. Jarald fiddled around with his chain lance, something he managed to acquire from Duke Javer. Kriel just mutely followed Seriya's orders, staring off into the distance or glancing at the seal.
This continued for some time until Epona stopped in her tracks and almost threw off the distracted Kriel.
"What's up with the traffic?" The twin also had been almost jolted from his seat when his horse paused suddenly too.
"Thank Iranor! You almost stepped on us."
The party had come upon two children, but with crystal ornaments hanging from their heads.
"Looks like we ran into some elves."
"Elves?!" Seriya jumped down from behind Jarald. "Lemme see lemme see lemme see! Awww, they're so cute! Hey wittle guys, are you lost?"
"No, no..." The female responded.
"Of course we are! Don't leave us two poor children in the forest." The male elf's eyes became big as a doe's and they welled up with tears.
The male elf just whispered something in her ear.
Kriel huffed. "We're not taking them. They're perfectly fine on their own." He remounted his horse and looked back at Jarald.
Who was being slaughtered by the male elf's pity look.
"Oh, please don't be serious. Especially you of all people."

"Sor-sorry..." The female elf whispered. "Reinor's kinda lazy..."
"Ah, oh well."
"And I think he revealed some secret of yours."
Kriel startled. "Oh... Peruses.." He stopped Epona and jumped off, and grabbed Reinor off the horse.
"What did you say. Elf."
Reinor's eyes welled up. "Oh please don't kill me lovely mam. I didn't do anything bad."
"Confirmation?" Jarald was sitting smugly on his horse, with Seriya staring curiously at Kriel. The twin raised an eyebrow.
"Anything you want to tell us...?"
"Not, not at all! You can't believe elves." Oops... Kriel thought, as he realized the slip of his tongue.
"Ah. So the elf was right."
Seriya scrutinized the stiff Kriel. "So you really are a girl!"
The king just responded by throwing Reinor into a tree.
"Don't leave me!"

"Shocking surprise, isn't it." After the two of them climbed the tree where Reinor was hanging from, and rescued the elf, Jarald and Seriya discussed the new information.
"But Kriel-san didn't confirm it."
"Seriya, it's kind of obvious the he--she is by the way she was acting."
"Besides!" Reinor quipped. "Elves don't lie!"
"But Jarald, she's not girly to be a girl. Kriel-san doesn't look like one."
"Well, let's just say, looks can deceive."

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chapter 12: Demon's Reign: Run -ins

Kriel held up the slip of paper- no, some mysterious material. Exquisite, furling designs covered the face of it, like a mysterious message encrypted. A five point star was inscribed in the middle, its sharp edges contrasting the furling design.
A gift.
From the messenger.

"You are Krielin Lux Lucis, daughter of Vefin Lux and Rachelle Lucis. I come with a delivery, a plea, and a quest." The messenger of the Council, gold-tinted and fair haired, with a wound robe of butter yellow handed the fugitive king a small slip of a paper like object.
"That is a seal, embedded with the leftover fragments of the Lady's power. It will weaken demons, daemons, or any evil," she explained, "and with that, as well as the Aureus Telem, you will defeat the One-Of-Nameless-Darkness."
"Aureus Telem? One-Of-Nameless-Darkness? Oh, messenger, what do you beseech me to do?" Kriel was wary, and confused. Wary because Council affected persons often met a bad end. But he could not refuse. Yet, Kriel did not know what the messenger was talking about.
"Will you do as told?" The golden lady brushed off his question like a fly.
"...I will.." For no other path is available, he thought sarcastically to himself.

Which led him back to this point.
Kriel had no clue what the Aureus Telem was or who this foe One-Of-Nameless-Darkness or whatever cliche name that could be given to the enemy was.
What was even worse that Harald and Sol decided they wanted to tag along.
Even as he was sitting, they were already playing a guessing game of figuring out the cryptic message.
"'s some magical sword thing!"
"That's quite close. But I still think it's this invincible golden dog that breathes fire and water and can do really cool backflips!"
"Harald...I think you're off by a big margin."
"What? It can destroy a darkness thing with its shininess!"
"..Right. It's probably a weapon of some sort."
"I still think it's a dog. Or some magic bread that banishes darkness!"
Kriel wanted to bash Harald's head in. Instead, he got up and saddled Epona.
"We're going."
Sol sighed and smacked his face with his hand. "Nore. Hound."
"Oh, right."

"Looks like we have to head through Albist first for supplies and things." Harald was sketching out a rough path, hand occasionally jerking as the trotting horse jostled him.
"I don't think heading into a town is a good idea..we're being looked for, remember?"
"Yes, but Lo-, Kriel, your uncle gave us some garments." Sol piped up. "They're not much of a disguise, but I think it'll do for now."
"What do we have?"
"Uhmm..." Sol scratched his head. "Black shirt, some white jacket with this symbol...same with the pants. Harald managed to get his shawl..thing."
"It's not a shawl."
"Whatever it is. Anyway, we're covered, so I assume the other garments are for you."
"Mhmm...Harald, right or left?"
"Left!" A voice rang out.
"Thanks for what?" The twin stuck up his head from behind the map, confused.
"Didn't you just say-" Epona can to a sudden stop and Kriel lurched forward. "Whoa girl, what's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong~"
"Wha-huh-did-did your horse just talk?" Sol exclaimed.
"We talked!" The trio looked down to see two small children, or rather, two children with weird crystals decorating the sides of their heads.
"I believe that they're elves..." Kriel said. "Quite. Moving on."
"Wait! We can't leave two kids in the forest! They could get lost."
"Harald, they're elves. They're perfectly capable of finding their way."
His friend, however, agreed. "Lo-Kriel, I think we should take them with us. They look so"
"What." Kriel looked back to see the male elf making doe eyes at Sol and Harald. "Oh please, don't tell me that you're going to fall for that."

"I'm Reinor!"
"I can't believe we're bringing along more company. Especially elves." Kriel sighed as the female elf clung onto him. "This one is okay though, however we could have left that one behind."
"I'm Reinor! Not 'that one'" The male elf pouted, his crystal adornments sagging.
"Aw, lighten up Kriel."
"No, I will not 'lighten up'. How are we supposed to travel incognito with elves?"
Sol thought for a moment. "That's something to think about..."
"I'm sorry." The female elf finally whispered. "It's all our fault...we wandered too far away from our region and walking back was going to take days."
"Miri! Don't let her get to you!"
"Yeah! She's just a big- wait what."
"Harald, uh, I think you're getting gender confused along with the elf." Sol commented.
"The meanie is a she!"
"I am not a SHE."
Harald laughed. "Of course Kriel can't be a girl! If he was, he would be too flat!"
"Rifa." The twin was thrown off as a fireball blasted him off the horse.
The two beasts wheeled to a stop and watched as the twin tumbled head over heels and landed in a pond.

"Well." The charred face of Harald looked up at the king.
"Hmph." Kriel just shrugged and stuck his hands in his pockets. Well, her hands.
"This has been an eventful day..." trailed off Sol, as Kriel shot him a menacing look.
"I told you the meanie was a she!" Reinor exclaimed cheerfully.

Now I gotta do Jarald.
Dear gosh, this chapter cracks me up.
Kriel is a girl. She'll explain things in the next chapter. YEAH. NOW I DUN HAVE TO FEEL IMMENSELY AWKWARD WHILE WRITING HE INSTEAD OF SHE!
I'll post a picture of Reinor.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Chapter 11: The Demon's Reign: Start

"Think he's gonna be all right, Harald?"
"Harald?" Sol was worried about his friend's condition, for he seemed listless. "Still..worried about your brother?"
Silence. Just the creaking of Sol rocking his chair filled the silence.
Sol watched the twin stare forlornly off into the distance. He had been quiet altogether, but Sol could almost see gears turning in his head, plotting the path needed to be taken.
Harald was desperate. Desperate to find his brother.
Wheels of fate or not, the plans were set in motion, and Sol knew there were going to be collisions on the way.
At that moment, Kriel came down the stairs.

"You're about as helpful as an adder!" The twin was in the process of arguing with the seething king, who finally lashed out at the last toss.
The fist collided with such force that Harald was thrown onto his back.
"Ah, ah, Harald!"As Sol stepped down to help up his friend, the twin spat out some blood, and glared at Kriel, who rubbed his knuckles.
"Need another beating?" the king snarled, for he had lost all sympathy. Then, at the moment, a pair of arms grabbed, or rather, clung onto him from behind.
Kriel considerably stiffened and turned to face a pale girl with chestnut hair. "Marie..." before he trailed off, as if in wonderment, and walked away from the scene.
"Lady!" Sol scrambled to his feet as Harald stared at the girl in confusion. The he also jumped up and mimicked Sol's bowing position.
"Who is she?" he furiously whispered.
"Don't you ever know? It's the ki- Kriel's sister. Younger sister. She can't talk for some reason."
Rubbing his bruised jaw, Harald just grimaced. "Maybe it's because her older brother is such a scary guy. Ah, but a fine lady needs some flattering."
Sol just sighed.

"Ouch!" was the cry that rang across the open garden.
As Marie applied salve to Harald's bruised jaw, Kriel crept under a tree.
He did not think there was a need to apologize, and decided to keep out of sight until the matter was taken care of.
Kriel, as he leaned against the rough bark of the tree, watched the twin grin ruefully at Marie, who gave a shy smile in return. Sol had somehow acquired some paper from somewhere and was now sketching either the two or the scenery of the garden; Kriel couldn't tell.
There was a slight pang of envy though, resounding in his heart, that the twin had some skill to make Marie smile, even just a bit. The noble felt, with some resentment, that he could not do the same. All he caused was misery.
Keeping away, Kriel wouldn't cause damage. He wouldn't be able to be a symbol of devastation, a constant reminder of the lost. He knew Harald despised him for his meddlesome plans that caused the loss of his brother. Maybe his sister also despised too for that faithful day.
Not that Kriel would ever know. She never spoke to the distressed noble.
Kriel, lost in those thoughts, didn't notice that Sol had glimpsed him. Sol stood up and walked over, carrying the sketch.
"Hey." he said, startling the absorbed figure.
"Why stand here? You'll be much better company if you join us, rather than lurk around." Kriel shrugged, a look of uncaring inscribed on his face.
"Not very good company, I am."
Sol just held out a hand. "Quite yet to be proven, I daresay. And your sister would probably much more cheerful. Oh, and maybe you'll want this." Handing over his sketch, Sol then turned around and walked back to the two, who were looking at Kriel.
Harald then waved and called. "My apologies and ignore what I said. Come join us?"
Kriel was hesitant, but he ended up walking over to the three.

"Hrrrm." Harald stared out the tall arched window. "Looks like our king left." The two squires had overslept and missed Kriel's departure.
"You could always, well, stalk him." The duke, Javer, noted with amusement.
"Great idea!" The twin leapt off the window seat and grabbed Sol's arm. "Comon! We're following him!"
Javer chuckled as the two ran down the stairs, and smiled a bit. "Looks like our child has finally gotten some good comrades, Faleboro?"
"Dear, it seems so." The lady stood up and brushed off her dress. "I'll see if I can gather some supplies and such for them."
"Don't forget the package from our old silver guardian," the duke called after his wife.

"Something I have foreseen." Kriel said grimly. "But I did not expect it to be this early..Proditus seems to have gained some power...but what? I do not know."
Harald rose, determined. "Then Jarald could be in danger! And Seriya! Silvyren! Everyone else! We need to rescue them!"
Kriel sighed. "Our small group is not enough...and I don't want to risk Duke Javer. The other Dukes and Duchesses are probably not going to show their support to a fallen king.."
"Then, what other options are there? Cowardice?"
"Harald!" Sol sprang up to apologize for the unheeded insult. "He's-"
"Don't worry about it. I can understand." cut in Kriel, "Well, there's only one thing. We ride to Norehound."
(And Harald and Sol stalked Kriel with the whole story starting/picking up from this point. Da beginning.)

Chapter 11.5: The Demon's Reign: Start

Kriel woke up to dancing, colorful lights pouring through a stained glass window.
Then he panicked.
No, they couldn't have possibly seen that...
"Ah, Krielein. About time you woke up, dear." The warm voice of his aunt, Lady Faleboro, and the smell of rosewood and lavender calmed him. There was still the nagging suspicions though.
"Aunt, did..?" His slip of regal speech showed he was still a bit worried.
Faleboro chuckled, bringing over a cup of milk tea. "Of course not, my lovely child. I did promise your mother, and most importantly, you." She clucked. "I may be old, but I'm not forgetful of my promises."
"Mistress, you're not old." The lady shook her head, silver-black locks of hair tumbling, and smiled.
"Ah, I can feel it in my bones. Your uncle, well, let's say his humor hasn't improved. Ge liah." she added, in Alosian tongue, "and your company is keeping heat at the dining table. The lad was worried, as well as the daughter."
Kriel looked around. "Uh, mistress, do you have...?"
Faleboro chuckled and handed Kriel a worn black shirt, as well as faded grey baggy pants, with an indescribable symbol decorating one leg.
"Mistress, you always have everything ready."

Jarald was leaning on the velvet chair he was sitting on, crossing his arms as he went on watching Seriya stuff herself with all the fruit she could eat. Figs, grapes, apples, as well as exotic fruits all went down her throat.
"I like fru-tsu." Seriya cut him off before he voiced his thoughts.
The squire raised an eyebrow, which quickly turned into an impassive face as Kriel trotted down the stone staircase in the corner of the dining room.
"Hey." was all he greeted.
"Is Kriel-kun feeling better now?" Seriya asked, toying with a strawberry.
Kriel shrugged, casting an indecipherable glance over the stone faced Jarald. "I suppose so. Lady Faleboro works wonders with healing. Enjoying the fruit?" he asked in return, delicately plucking a grape from the plump bunches. The girl watched mesmerized, as Kriel unconsciously peeled the purple skin into a flower shape, split the meat into four parts, and popped it into his mouth.
"Hm?" said Kriel, when he caught Seriya staring at him.
"You eat funny."
"Or maybe he's just showing off." The annoyed voice of Jarald cut through.
Icy silence, dense as the air before a storm, hung in the room. Even Seriya was nervous to slice the cold quiet between the two.
"..Whatever." Kriel stalked off.
Jarald just resumed leaning in his chair, as Seriya drew her eyes towards Kriel.
"If it's gonna be about the bloody king, I don't give a damn."
"..Can we follows him and saw where he goes?"
The squire almost toppled.
"Why not?" he grunted.

"Who's that?" hissed Seriya, almost leaning further to get a better look.
"I dunn- careful Seriya!" Jarald watched Kriel greet a young girl, with fair skin and chestnut hair. Her sapphire eyes seemed to reflect despondency, and as Kriel held out a hand, she avoided viewing his face and clasped it.
"Ooo, maybe it's a lover?"
Jarald almost choked, silently laughing as he recalled a "romance" scene performed several times by a knight in love.
"Well, unlikely that he'll get a fiancée, too much of a undecided lad, mates."
The mortal feeling of terror almost resulted into the two shrieking in fear. Amongst the short chapter of chaos, Kriel and the girl had disappeared.
"Curiosity, my friends?" Duke Javer raised an eyebrow in mock teasing.
"It was Jarald's fault!"
Duke Javer just chuckled. "Well, to satisfy your appetite, that's his lovely, delicate sister. Ah, but by some reason, she's mute. Won't talk. Krielin feels as if it's his fault and taken upon himself that she gets better. Ah, it torments him so..." With that, the man waltzed off, leaving Seriya and Jarald in respectable silence.
"What do you think Kriel did?"
"Did?" Jarald shrugged. "Dunno maybe, something horrendous? Like killing something?"
"Jaaa-rald." Seriya hugged herself a bit. "Don't say that. Make me sick."
"Can't think of anything else."
"Still wanna follow?" Seriya gestured down the hall.
The squire hesitated a moment. "Sure..."

Soft silence covered Kriel and Marie like a cloud. She just grasped his hand tightly.
"Does the Duke and his Lady treat you well?" he inquired, and Marie nodded. Her deep blue eyes were misty, like a veil of rain covering her window to the world.
"I'm going to go away for a while, sister." There was a pause. "And maybe...I'll find something to make you happy again."
Her head tilted, Marie looked up with worry at the world 'away'. She clung with both hands to Kriel's right hand, as if desperate for him to stay.
"I can't stay here..I don't want you three to be in danger..." Kriel choked a bit, feeling warmth rise to his eyes. He shook his head and patted his besotted sister. "Don't worry, I'll be back...and maybe with something to free you from the cage." He awkwardly hugged her. She just closed her eyes and wept silently against the king's shirt.
"I'll be fine. I promise."
Kriel then looked around. " guys, can you stop lurking?" His voice was chilling, cold fury embedded. Marie looked up in surprise as Seriya and Jarald appeared behind a pillar.
"Observant, are you." Jarald offered no indication of what he had seen. Seriya hung her head, abashed at her spying.
"It's easy to catch when you two are clumsy." Kriel folded his arms and gazed furiously at the two. "I don't need any meddling."
Marie tugged on Kriel's shirt.
"..Hrm." The king just sighed. "Well, this is Marie, my sister. She's..."
"Mute." Jarald's voice echoed.
An awkward silence held in the air. Marie tugged again and pointed at the unknown twin and girl.
Seriya looked up, and grinned nervously. "I'm Seriya, and this is Jarald! He's a bit grumpy and scary, but he's actually nice." An intimidating stare from the twin shut her up, however.
"We're not friends, Marie, if you're wondering." Kriel said scathingly, obviously infuriated by the two's presence.
"We're...we're sorry Kriel san." The whispers of Seriya was barely heard as she began to be feeling bad about following Kriel and was close to tears. "It-it's my fault, I wanted to.."
"Actually, I was curious about what kind of 'activities' you did behind our backs, so I made Seriya follow." Jarald cut in before Seriya could sob. The girl just hid behind the twin, more miserable than ever. She knew something bad was going to happen.
"Great way to show trust, huh."
"It's your fault I lost Harald," Jarald spat, "your fault we got in trouble. Your fault that we're on the run. And see, it's your fault that your sister is silent, isn't it? You're just someone who cause grievances, some who causes-"
Thrawck. Kriel socked Jarald in the stomach, who recoiled in pain.
"Jarald!" Seriya tried to help the toppling twin, who pushed her away.
He breathed heavily, as the last words came out.
"You're just a curse to everyone, an infliction of misery."
Kriel, rigid, clenched fists, wanted to kill him. Kill the guy who told the truth that he'd had believed in.
He's right, you know? A mocking voice tormented his thoughts. You always cause pain, and can't even help your sister. You didn't protect her, you-
"STOP IT!" The scream tore from his mouth, and he ran, far far away from the problem, through a blur of white and blue, away from the voice.
But he couldn't run from the maddening guilt and the misery of being unable to help the one he loved.
He never could erase that memory, much less rid the shock of his sister.
It haunted him for so long, and so much. Hating the fact that he was powerless to do anything, unable to turn back that fateful day, and now he had also put someone else's life in the danger he should have seen.
It was true. He, himself, just caused misery.
But the king was still powerful.
He could get revenge on whoever had destroyed the castle and captured the twin. And maybe, just maybe, he could make Marie laugh again. Somehow, someway, just to hear her voice again.
The flames would keep him going.
Of vengeance and hope.

The day signaled a good day.
The skies were blue, cloudless, birds chirping in the concealing forest. Very few people knew of the exact location of Duke Javer's mansion. His 'other' one was just a decoy, for the Duke always believed that some strange creatures would attack them.
"They will descend on us from the night sky," he would whisper, eerily, " and destroy and take over our world as we know it. Even the Council would be hapless."
Faleboro would often remark in mock scolding. "It seems that the Council is good at keeping those creatures from us in the first place." The Duke would just chuckle and warn Kriel and Marie to watch out for 'odd beings'.
But today wasn't a day of high spirits. Even Duke Javer, whose usual child-like personality melted into grave concern.
"You..sure you want do to this, child?" He watched as Kriel saddled Epona, who was weighed down slightly with an odd assortment of supplies.
"Mhmm." The king-turned fugitive mounted Epona. "And, if I stay here, there's bound to be trouble."
"Well, child, if you ever find the need for safety, we're here." Faleboro smiled sadly. "'re leaving the two behind?"
Kriel shrugged in an almost casual way. "I need no help from them, and they'll just drag the trip down. And, well, we're not on good conditions, my lady." The Lady's eye raised a bit at statement, but made no speech to comment on it.
Duke Javer handed Kriel something. "It's a note," he explained, "for if you ever stop by Norehound, talk to Chief Xercendra. Norehound is a good place for, ah, help."
Kriel bowed as well as he could on Epona. "I am deeply in your debt, Duke." But all the Duke did was pat his head and laugh.
"We're family, child. Family don't owe debts to each other. If they did, the world would be one complicated place. Well, actually, it already is." he chuckled.
The king languidly smiled. "Ah, yes, it is..."

It had been about three hours since Kriel set out.
And he had to admit he was lost.
"Peruse's teasing, haven't been here in a while..." It was unsettling being lost in the deeper area of the woods, and becoming slightly harder for the king to fight off panic.
Then there was a crash. And a swear. "Revior's curse."
Kriel hated his luck.

"I'm coming." The third time. The third response. Kriel just gave up arguing.
Besides, he needed someone wise in the ways of traveling.
"Do as you wish."
"I will." The fugitive's irritation sparked a bit at Jarald's snide response. He massaged his nerves, and paced. Wondering if he was going to go mad from such a companion like this.
"Kriel, I mean, uh Lord?" Seriya was feeling uncomfortable in the tension between Jarald and Kriel.
Kriel just smiled grimly. "I'm not a 'Lord' anymore, Seriya. Proditus has taken over, it seems. And is out for our captures."

Monday, October 4, 2010

Chapter 10.5: The Demon's Reign: Destruction

Jarald and Kriel woke up in a panic as the cries of "Fire!" rang along the hall. The two stumbled out of bed, and Jarald raced off along the corridor.
"Jarald!" Kriel scampered after him in the smoky, choking air.
"We gotta find Harald!"
"Room's left, quickly!"
The two did come upon Kriel's room, but it was wrecked. The door hung awkwardly on the hinges, and inside, papers and books were scattered across the floor, decorated with splatters of ink and shards of gleaming glass. Shevles were toppled over and the desk was broken into long slivers. You could barely see the red rug under the disarray.
"What..." The twin was taken aback.
Kriel grimly picked up one of the books. "Someone's been here before us."
"Does that mean they know about the.."
"Possibly..or they were after my life or something." Kriel weighed the options. "But they probably knew about it since they most likely took him alive or such.."
"We have to search for Harald!" Jarald was about to dash out the door when Kriel grabbed him by his shirt.
"No, it's too dangerous. And if they did take him prisoner, they'll be long gone by now. We have to help the others who are here."
"Rather leave them to die then? Fine." Kriel felt he put it too harshly, but Jarald grudgingly agreed to help without seeming to take offense.
The king himself wanted to bolt in panic, for it was his fault that the twin disappeared.
A lot of people seemed to avoid Jarald's help, mostly the squires. He just shrugged and moved onto the next person, but always keeping an eye out for a hint, a glimpse, anything of Harald, face impassive, yet eyes worried.
Kriel almost felt bad for him.
Jarald always seemed a bit lonely. But.. Kriel shook his head. That's because he's a jerk.
Sometimes though, it looked like a shell of protection.

Who would be insane to dive back inside a burning building? Kriel did, of course.
"The young lad is doomed. May Frieti take his life without hurt."
Jarald couldn't understand it. Why would such a stuck-up like the king would dash inside a collapsing building just for a sake of a life?
Stupid, stupid. Such foolishness. But the courage must have been great.
He couldn't just pace there, going slowly insane with waiting.
But he couldn't go after him either.
What was he supposed to do?

Seconds trickled, minutes ticked.
Jarald just gave up. There would be no one alive in the flames.
But to the amazement of him and the crowd, a figure staggered out of the orange sea, badly burnt, holding two persons.
Silvyren had been double checking for survivors and tripped over Kriel and a servant girl.
Somehow, he had managed to find a pathway out of the flames. The trio was taken to the hastily set up hospital tent. Jarald pondered whether or not to follow them, but decided not to. No good looking like a sore thumb sitting next to people he didn't really like. Thinking about that gave him a pang of pain for Harald, and brushed off tears which were about to fall. Crying made him feel weak, insecure, and he couldn't afford to shed tears, which meant that he was giving up on his brother. Harald is still alive, a hope, something to cling on. The twin trotted off towards to shadows near the woods, when he ran into someone.
"Urk." A strong hand grabbed his shoulder.
"Are you Jarald Adau?" Emotionless black eyes with traces of danger stared down at him.
This wasn't a time for truths.
"I'm..Bruvoski...Bruvoski Cer." His enemy's name was the first to pop into his head, as he avoided the guard's gaze. His chin was roughly jerked up as the guard examined his face.
"Master told me that the twins are the only ones with cerulean eyes and brown hair."
Ravior's curse, Jarald thought, as he rammed the guard on his leg. It gave the expected result; for him to regain his buckling balance he had to let go of the twin's shoulder. Unfortunately, he was wearing armor, and Jarald felt agonizing pain from his left leg. There was to be a big bruise later as well.
Jarald limped, then dashed for the forest, groaning as his leg protested against the strain. He could hear the guard racing after him, so the twin changed course and headed back to camp, back-tracking his footsteps in order to mislead the man.
The crashing through the woods faded off into the distance as the twin staggered back to camp and ran into Sol.
"Jarald! Hurry, follow me."
"What?" He tried to, but his leg finally gave up and he buckled.
"Jarald?" Sol questioned. "Uh..need some help?"
"No...ugh, yes, stupid leg." Sol supported Jarald as they limped along towards what the twin figured was the stables.
"What happened?"
"Ran into a guard, slammed my leg into his, but he was wearing armor and I think I hurt it."
"Guard..well, uh, there's people after you and the lord."
"Figures." Jarald muttered. Perspiration broke out as he struggled to walk quicker.
Sol hesitated. "Uhm, Silvyren said that, well, you guys need to flee."
"What!?" Indignation and fury raged. "He knows I'm not gonna leave Harald behind!"
"Ah, but you will need to..sorry Adau..." Silvyren stepped out from the stable. "Besides, you're more...worth to your brother alive than dead. Free instead of captured..." the man trailed off, a bit hesitant.
"You think he's dead."
"There might be a chance..." and winced as Jarald hit him.
"No way, no way he could have perished." Silvyren rubbed his newly healed skin, still tender and subjective to easy injury, while gazing forlornly at Jarald, who had grim look of determination.
" this is why you need to escape."
"You will go." This time, Silvyren's voice was icy cold and strict. "Otherwise, I will tie you up and send you off myself if I have to. Which would you prefer?"
Jarald was silent.
"Silvyren!" Seriya was carrying Kriel, who still retained burns from the fire.
"Ah, good timing." Kriel was barely conscious, only groaning when Seriya placed him on his horse, not exactly that gently.
"Seriya, sling this on. And you're riding with Kriel. Make sure he doesn't fall off..and please, be a bit more careful?" He winced as Seriya shoved Kriel to prevent him falling off.
"Sorry Silvyren!" The girl accepted an oddly shaped bundle and slung it on Epona, who shifted a bit uncomfortably. She then saddled the horse and awaited further orders.
The squire sighed. "..fine. But you can't bar me from looking for him." He mounted the second animal.
Silvyren smiled a bit sadly. "Nope. And, I'll keep an eye out too. Sol, I guess you ride with Jarald."
Sol silently climbed up behind Jarald, who shifted a bit. It felt a bit awkward for Jarald to be with Sol when his brother wasn't around. Thinking about it, Jarald didn't really know Sol very well.
The Knightmaster saluted them. "I guess they'll be here soon..." he muttered under his breath, wary, and glancing around. "You best leave now.."
BAM! The door was kicked open, and Jarald's horse took off in fright.
"Go now!" Epona whinnied and chased after the receding horse, and almost crushed a tumbling Sol.
"Sol!" Jarald could hear Seriya yell, as the figure on the ground stood up and brushed himself off.
"I'm staying behind!" he yelled, voice determined, "'cause I need to stay for-"
The words were cut off as the trio thundered into the night, leaving the chaotic scene behind them.

Oh God, this is the worst writing so far.
I kept having blocks and..yeah.
Uh, I don't think I have anything to say.