Monday, October 25, 2010

Chapter 11: The Demon's Reign: Start

"Think he's gonna be all right, Harald?"
"Harald?" Sol was worried about his friend's condition, for he seemed listless. "Still..worried about your brother?"
Silence. Just the creaking of Sol rocking his chair filled the silence.
Sol watched the twin stare forlornly off into the distance. He had been quiet altogether, but Sol could almost see gears turning in his head, plotting the path needed to be taken.
Harald was desperate. Desperate to find his brother.
Wheels of fate or not, the plans were set in motion, and Sol knew there were going to be collisions on the way.
At that moment, Kriel came down the stairs.

"You're about as helpful as an adder!" The twin was in the process of arguing with the seething king, who finally lashed out at the last toss.
The fist collided with such force that Harald was thrown onto his back.
"Ah, ah, Harald!"As Sol stepped down to help up his friend, the twin spat out some blood, and glared at Kriel, who rubbed his knuckles.
"Need another beating?" the king snarled, for he had lost all sympathy. Then, at the moment, a pair of arms grabbed, or rather, clung onto him from behind.
Kriel considerably stiffened and turned to face a pale girl with chestnut hair. "Marie..." before he trailed off, as if in wonderment, and walked away from the scene.
"Lady!" Sol scrambled to his feet as Harald stared at the girl in confusion. The he also jumped up and mimicked Sol's bowing position.
"Who is she?" he furiously whispered.
"Don't you ever know? It's the ki- Kriel's sister. Younger sister. She can't talk for some reason."
Rubbing his bruised jaw, Harald just grimaced. "Maybe it's because her older brother is such a scary guy. Ah, but a fine lady needs some flattering."
Sol just sighed.

"Ouch!" was the cry that rang across the open garden.
As Marie applied salve to Harald's bruised jaw, Kriel crept under a tree.
He did not think there was a need to apologize, and decided to keep out of sight until the matter was taken care of.
Kriel, as he leaned against the rough bark of the tree, watched the twin grin ruefully at Marie, who gave a shy smile in return. Sol had somehow acquired some paper from somewhere and was now sketching either the two or the scenery of the garden; Kriel couldn't tell.
There was a slight pang of envy though, resounding in his heart, that the twin had some skill to make Marie smile, even just a bit. The noble felt, with some resentment, that he could not do the same. All he caused was misery.
Keeping away, Kriel wouldn't cause damage. He wouldn't be able to be a symbol of devastation, a constant reminder of the lost. He knew Harald despised him for his meddlesome plans that caused the loss of his brother. Maybe his sister also despised too for that faithful day.
Not that Kriel would ever know. She never spoke to the distressed noble.
Kriel, lost in those thoughts, didn't notice that Sol had glimpsed him. Sol stood up and walked over, carrying the sketch.
"Hey." he said, startling the absorbed figure.
"Why stand here? You'll be much better company if you join us, rather than lurk around." Kriel shrugged, a look of uncaring inscribed on his face.
"Not very good company, I am."
Sol just held out a hand. "Quite yet to be proven, I daresay. And your sister would probably much more cheerful. Oh, and maybe you'll want this." Handing over his sketch, Sol then turned around and walked back to the two, who were looking at Kriel.
Harald then waved and called. "My apologies and ignore what I said. Come join us?"
Kriel was hesitant, but he ended up walking over to the three.

"Hrrrm." Harald stared out the tall arched window. "Looks like our king left." The two squires had overslept and missed Kriel's departure.
"You could always, well, stalk him." The duke, Javer, noted with amusement.
"Great idea!" The twin leapt off the window seat and grabbed Sol's arm. "Comon! We're following him!"
Javer chuckled as the two ran down the stairs, and smiled a bit. "Looks like our child has finally gotten some good comrades, Faleboro?"
"Dear, it seems so." The lady stood up and brushed off her dress. "I'll see if I can gather some supplies and such for them."
"Don't forget the package from our old silver guardian," the duke called after his wife.

"Something I have foreseen." Kriel said grimly. "But I did not expect it to be this early..Proditus seems to have gained some power...but what? I do not know."
Harald rose, determined. "Then Jarald could be in danger! And Seriya! Silvyren! Everyone else! We need to rescue them!"
Kriel sighed. "Our small group is not enough...and I don't want to risk Duke Javer. The other Dukes and Duchesses are probably not going to show their support to a fallen king.."
"Then, what other options are there? Cowardice?"
"Harald!" Sol sprang up to apologize for the unheeded insult. "He's-"
"Don't worry about it. I can understand." cut in Kriel, "Well, there's only one thing. We ride to Norehound."
(And Harald and Sol stalked Kriel with the whole story starting/picking up from this point. Da beginning.)


  1. The beginning was sort of confusing... Why was Harald fighting with Kriel?

  2. That's because Jarald got captured. If Kriel never swapped places, then Jarald would have never been captured.

  3. Nice. Who are the duke and lady at the end??

  4. Duke Javer and Lady....dear God, I forgot the name
    They're Kriel's aunt and uncle. :V As said in chapter 11.5

  5. Javer and Faleboro
    Kriel's aunt and uncle!
    Reading only one path, Coco?

  6. It got confusing trying to keep the 2 paths straight
    So I'm only reading the ones without decimals, don't really know which one it is really, but whatever xD
