Monday, October 4, 2010

Chapter 10.5: The Demon's Reign: Destruction

Jarald and Kriel woke up in a panic as the cries of "Fire!" rang along the hall. The two stumbled out of bed, and Jarald raced off along the corridor.
"Jarald!" Kriel scampered after him in the smoky, choking air.
"We gotta find Harald!"
"Room's left, quickly!"
The two did come upon Kriel's room, but it was wrecked. The door hung awkwardly on the hinges, and inside, papers and books were scattered across the floor, decorated with splatters of ink and shards of gleaming glass. Shevles were toppled over and the desk was broken into long slivers. You could barely see the red rug under the disarray.
"What..." The twin was taken aback.
Kriel grimly picked up one of the books. "Someone's been here before us."
"Does that mean they know about the.."
"Possibly..or they were after my life or something." Kriel weighed the options. "But they probably knew about it since they most likely took him alive or such.."
"We have to search for Harald!" Jarald was about to dash out the door when Kriel grabbed him by his shirt.
"No, it's too dangerous. And if they did take him prisoner, they'll be long gone by now. We have to help the others who are here."
"Rather leave them to die then? Fine." Kriel felt he put it too harshly, but Jarald grudgingly agreed to help without seeming to take offense.
The king himself wanted to bolt in panic, for it was his fault that the twin disappeared.
A lot of people seemed to avoid Jarald's help, mostly the squires. He just shrugged and moved onto the next person, but always keeping an eye out for a hint, a glimpse, anything of Harald, face impassive, yet eyes worried.
Kriel almost felt bad for him.
Jarald always seemed a bit lonely. But.. Kriel shook his head. That's because he's a jerk.
Sometimes though, it looked like a shell of protection.

Who would be insane to dive back inside a burning building? Kriel did, of course.
"The young lad is doomed. May Frieti take his life without hurt."
Jarald couldn't understand it. Why would such a stuck-up like the king would dash inside a collapsing building just for a sake of a life?
Stupid, stupid. Such foolishness. But the courage must have been great.
He couldn't just pace there, going slowly insane with waiting.
But he couldn't go after him either.
What was he supposed to do?

Seconds trickled, minutes ticked.
Jarald just gave up. There would be no one alive in the flames.
But to the amazement of him and the crowd, a figure staggered out of the orange sea, badly burnt, holding two persons.
Silvyren had been double checking for survivors and tripped over Kriel and a servant girl.
Somehow, he had managed to find a pathway out of the flames. The trio was taken to the hastily set up hospital tent. Jarald pondered whether or not to follow them, but decided not to. No good looking like a sore thumb sitting next to people he didn't really like. Thinking about that gave him a pang of pain for Harald, and brushed off tears which were about to fall. Crying made him feel weak, insecure, and he couldn't afford to shed tears, which meant that he was giving up on his brother. Harald is still alive, a hope, something to cling on. The twin trotted off towards to shadows near the woods, when he ran into someone.
"Urk." A strong hand grabbed his shoulder.
"Are you Jarald Adau?" Emotionless black eyes with traces of danger stared down at him.
This wasn't a time for truths.
"I'm..Bruvoski...Bruvoski Cer." His enemy's name was the first to pop into his head, as he avoided the guard's gaze. His chin was roughly jerked up as the guard examined his face.
"Master told me that the twins are the only ones with cerulean eyes and brown hair."
Ravior's curse, Jarald thought, as he rammed the guard on his leg. It gave the expected result; for him to regain his buckling balance he had to let go of the twin's shoulder. Unfortunately, he was wearing armor, and Jarald felt agonizing pain from his left leg. There was to be a big bruise later as well.
Jarald limped, then dashed for the forest, groaning as his leg protested against the strain. He could hear the guard racing after him, so the twin changed course and headed back to camp, back-tracking his footsteps in order to mislead the man.
The crashing through the woods faded off into the distance as the twin staggered back to camp and ran into Sol.
"Jarald! Hurry, follow me."
"What?" He tried to, but his leg finally gave up and he buckled.
"Jarald?" Sol questioned. "Uh..need some help?"
"No...ugh, yes, stupid leg." Sol supported Jarald as they limped along towards what the twin figured was the stables.
"What happened?"
"Ran into a guard, slammed my leg into his, but he was wearing armor and I think I hurt it."
"Guard..well, uh, there's people after you and the lord."
"Figures." Jarald muttered. Perspiration broke out as he struggled to walk quicker.
Sol hesitated. "Uhm, Silvyren said that, well, you guys need to flee."
"What!?" Indignation and fury raged. "He knows I'm not gonna leave Harald behind!"
"Ah, but you will need to..sorry Adau..." Silvyren stepped out from the stable. "Besides, you're more...worth to your brother alive than dead. Free instead of captured..." the man trailed off, a bit hesitant.
"You think he's dead."
"There might be a chance..." and winced as Jarald hit him.
"No way, no way he could have perished." Silvyren rubbed his newly healed skin, still tender and subjective to easy injury, while gazing forlornly at Jarald, who had grim look of determination.
" this is why you need to escape."
"You will go." This time, Silvyren's voice was icy cold and strict. "Otherwise, I will tie you up and send you off myself if I have to. Which would you prefer?"
Jarald was silent.
"Silvyren!" Seriya was carrying Kriel, who still retained burns from the fire.
"Ah, good timing." Kriel was barely conscious, only groaning when Seriya placed him on his horse, not exactly that gently.
"Seriya, sling this on. And you're riding with Kriel. Make sure he doesn't fall off..and please, be a bit more careful?" He winced as Seriya shoved Kriel to prevent him falling off.
"Sorry Silvyren!" The girl accepted an oddly shaped bundle and slung it on Epona, who shifted a bit uncomfortably. She then saddled the horse and awaited further orders.
The squire sighed. "..fine. But you can't bar me from looking for him." He mounted the second animal.
Silvyren smiled a bit sadly. "Nope. And, I'll keep an eye out too. Sol, I guess you ride with Jarald."
Sol silently climbed up behind Jarald, who shifted a bit. It felt a bit awkward for Jarald to be with Sol when his brother wasn't around. Thinking about it, Jarald didn't really know Sol very well.
The Knightmaster saluted them. "I guess they'll be here soon..." he muttered under his breath, wary, and glancing around. "You best leave now.."
BAM! The door was kicked open, and Jarald's horse took off in fright.
"Go now!" Epona whinnied and chased after the receding horse, and almost crushed a tumbling Sol.
"Sol!" Jarald could hear Seriya yell, as the figure on the ground stood up and brushed himself off.
"I'm staying behind!" he yelled, voice determined, "'cause I need to stay for-"
The words were cut off as the trio thundered into the night, leaving the chaotic scene behind them.

Oh God, this is the worst writing so far.
I kept having blocks and..yeah.
Uh, I don't think I have anything to say.

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