Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Chapter 12.5: Demon's Reign: Run- Ins

"You are Krielin Lux Lucis, daughter of Vefin Lux and Rachelle Lucis. I come with a delivery, a plea, and a quest." The messenger of the Council, gold-tinted and fair haired, with a wound robe of butter yellow, handed the fugitive king a small slip of a paper like object. Exquisite, furling designs covered the face of it, like a mysterious message encrypted. A five point star was inscribed in the middle, its sharp edges contrasting the furling design. "That is a seal, embedded with the leftover fragments of the Lady's power. It will weaken demons, daemons, or any evil," she explained, "and with that, as well as the Aureus Telem, you will defeat the One-Of-Nameless-Darkness."
"Aureus Telem? One-Of-Nameless-Darkness? Oh, messenger, what do you beseech me to do?" Jarald watched as Kriel grimaced.
"Will you do as told?" The golden lady brushed off his question like a fly.
"...I will.." The answer sounded as if it was dragged from the king.
"Very well. The Council expects you to fulfill your promises..." And with that, the messenger disappeared as if she was mist.
"Oh wonder, chosen one." Jarald applauded and ducked to avoid a fist thrown by Kriel.
"I don't need your sympathy." he said, sarcastically, and sauntered off, simmering.
"What's de Aureus Telem, Jarald?"
The twin shrugged. "I don't know."
Seriya's eyes sparkled. "It could be a unicorn!"
"Seri..I don't think unicorns exist."
"No, they do. I read about them. They exist in the upper northern regions! I've always wanted to see one! Maybe the Aureus thing is a unicorn!"
"Uhm...okay..." Jarald awkwardly responded. Seriya's stories, whether truth or fiction, always overwhelmed him.

It took about half an hour for Kriel to come back. He offered on reasons why for the delay, nor did Jarald question him. The three saddled their horses and made their way through the forest's maze of undergrowth. Seriya did the scouting.
"We turn...left here. Now right. Left, continue north, then right."
Despite the birds chirping and Seriya's voice ringing, the other two party members remained in stony silence. Jarald fiddled around with his chain lance, something he managed to acquire from Duke Javer. Kriel just mutely followed Seriya's orders, staring off into the distance or glancing at the seal.
This continued for some time until Epona stopped in her tracks and almost threw off the distracted Kriel.
"What's up with the traffic?" The twin also had been almost jolted from his seat when his horse paused suddenly too.
"Thank Iranor! You almost stepped on us."
The party had come upon two children, but with crystal ornaments hanging from their heads.
"Looks like we ran into some elves."
"Elves?!" Seriya jumped down from behind Jarald. "Lemme see lemme see lemme see! Awww, they're so cute! Hey wittle guys, are you lost?"
"No, no..." The female responded.
"Of course we are! Don't leave us two poor children in the forest." The male elf's eyes became big as a doe's and they welled up with tears.
The male elf just whispered something in her ear.
Kriel huffed. "We're not taking them. They're perfectly fine on their own." He remounted his horse and looked back at Jarald.
Who was being slaughtered by the male elf's pity look.
"Oh, please don't be serious. Especially you of all people."

"Sor-sorry..." The female elf whispered. "Reinor's kinda lazy..."
"Ah, oh well."
"And I think he revealed some secret of yours."
Kriel startled. "Oh... Peruses.." He stopped Epona and jumped off, and grabbed Reinor off the horse.
"What did you say. Elf."
Reinor's eyes welled up. "Oh please don't kill me lovely mam. I didn't do anything bad."
"Confirmation?" Jarald was sitting smugly on his horse, with Seriya staring curiously at Kriel. The twin raised an eyebrow.
"Anything you want to tell us...?"
"Not, not at all! You can't believe elves." Oops... Kriel thought, as he realized the slip of his tongue.
"Ah. So the elf was right."
Seriya scrutinized the stiff Kriel. "So you really are a girl!"
The king just responded by throwing Reinor into a tree.
"Don't leave me!"

"Shocking surprise, isn't it." After the two of them climbed the tree where Reinor was hanging from, and rescued the elf, Jarald and Seriya discussed the new information.
"But Kriel-san didn't confirm it."
"Seriya, it's kind of obvious the he--she is by the way she was acting."
"Besides!" Reinor quipped. "Elves don't lie!"
"But Jarald, she's not girly to be a girl. Kriel-san doesn't look like one."
"Well, let's just say, looks can deceive."

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