Monday, January 3, 2011

Chapter 13: Backstories

It wasn't long before she was asked. Kriel knew that curiosity would get better of them.
"So." Harald said simply, nibbling on a stalk of grass, his singed hair a floppy mess due to diving into a nearby river. "Your mother decided to portray you as a prince so them royalty wouldn't try to wed you or attempt to kidnap you of whatever higher-ups do to gain control of the kingdom, and now since they're restless, they, or someone, decided to try to kill you which ultimately led to the most likely capture of my brother. And they Council thinks something bad is behind it so now they're making you go on some quest thing that heroes do."
Suddenly, he whipped out a knife and held the point as Kriel's throat. She didn't move.

"You'll be a lucky prince if my brother hasn't been harmed." The words were spoken in a calm tone, but Kriel clearly saw the malice and quiet fury in Harald's, ironically, sparkling blue eyes.

"Ha-Harald. Calm down okay? Your brother should be fine. Unless you think that he's too weak to defend himself or something." His friend gently grabbed Harald's hand with slightly shaking fingers. Sol took the knife and placed it back into its sheath.
"He'll probably be all right. And hopefully Seriya and the Knightmaster too.."

"Hmph." he grunted, and plopped back down again, eyes shining beneath his hair. Then yawned. "Whatever you say Sol...I'm going to sleep now."
Harald heaved himself up and stalked over to the other side of the campfire, his back to Kriel and Sol.

"I'll...retrieve your brother, I promise." The words echoed emptily in the clearing. Miri looked nervously at the trio standing in silence. Then Reinor snorted in his sleep.
"Eh, I'm not too worried about him; it's him being with Seriya that I'm worried about. Jarald'll probably run himself into trouble for her..." Harald trailed off.
Another awkward pause floated in the air, only broken by Reinor's snoring.
Sol cleared his thought. "Well, uhm, I guess we have well in order to reach Porta Nore tomorrow... So, goodnight..."
The four retreated into silence, and soon everyone but Harald was sleeping. The squire stared off into the forest, then picked up his knife and looked at it. He threw a glance at Kriel, shrugged, and sheathed the knife before wrapping himself in blankets.

(And then I post this like...3 months later. Yey. Does Harald have murderous intentions? :3)

Chapter 13.5: Backstories

The trio and their newly acquired party members sat around a small fire, produced by Reinor. Kriel was still moody over the whole unexpected revealing of her gender and sat alone, under a tree. Seriya had creeped over and was gazing at Kriel with wide eyes.
"Can you tell me your story?"
Kriel looked up. "Story...?"
The younger girl shuffled a bit. "E-to, I kind of want to know why you wa-were acting as boy." Knowing pasts were a sensitive subject, Seriya had crept away to maximize privacy, as Jarald was occupied with Reinor and Miril, the female elf.
"Eh, it's not very interesting. Just a bunch of political stuff." Kriel shrugged and stared off into the distance, but Seriya's burning eyes bothered her.
"Really. It's nothing." Nothing, nothing. A word that rolled around in her mind. The nothing had ruined.
Start, now, past, present. If it was nothing, it didn't really matter, did it? After all, if it was nothing, then it would stay nothing.
The thoughts annoyed her. After all, it wasn't as if the world was going to know. She was already displaced, trying to claim back what she had lost, just so nothing would happen to Marie.
"...Fine." Seriya crept closer to hear her soft mumbles. "I guess, if I'm going to tell you, the others will have to know too."

"Pshaw. This is why I'm downright glad I wasn't born into that high society of yours." Jarald grumbled.
Seriya was a bit confused however. "But why do you need to be a guy? Don't they know that girls are, uh, smart too?"
"I'm not seeing that our benefactor here is smart."
"Jarald!" Seriya socked him in the shoulder. "Say sorri!"
"Well, millidi! You could say that humans are kind of picky. They see power in mali over milli." Reinor the elf, munching on a berry, spoke.
Kriel sighed, not for the first time that night. "He means nobles tend to see men as the dominating figure. They see ladies as merely dolls that they can play around and bend to their will, so if they found out the only heir, well, receiver, of the kingdom was a female, they would grab the chance to try and marry the heir so they can be king. Which, my mother, did not wish to happen. It seems that the ones my father appointed ended up to be the fickle folk, always wanting more power and doing anything for it."
"Sooo, if you were a girl, they would try to play with you? So that they can be emperor?" Seriya asked, befuddled by the long conversation.
"Er, close enough."
Seriya voiced another question. "But why were they trying to kill you if they think you be guy?"
"Because someone wants more power. Or all of them do. And we're stuck right in the goosefeathered middle of it." The squire grumbled again, quite unpleasantly. He threw a glare when Kriel almost snickered at his choice of words. "You lot think our talking is funny. Well, shut the bloody hell up if you're not going to help us normal folk get out of this."
"I highly doubt that our company could be called normal." Then her face fell a bit. "I do need to, however, to get your brother from wherever they're holding him."
"Damn straight. You caused all this, so you better get us out of this mess and keep us out of your Goddess business, too," snarled Jarald, recalling the messenger meeting this morning.
He hefted the heavy lance he was holding. "Or I won't hesitate to run your princely body through with this lance, regardless of what you are."
Seriya, on the other hand, was excited and heeded no attention to Jarald's tone. "Can I come, Kriel-san? I've always wanted to go on a crusade!"
"You're not going on an "adventure" Seri. Meddle with her kind, and you run into a large dose of Defin's misery."
"But you can't forget about us!" Reinor squeaked. "I need help to get home~" He started flashing doe eyes at Seriya. "Pwease?"
The female elf silently poked him in the side. Reinor collapsed into a heap of snoring elf.
As the three humans stared at her, a bit shocked, she spoke.
"So-sorry. He's kind of pushy..." she cleared her throat, "and, we d-do need a little help. We're got caught by this giant bird that tried to eat us- but we got away, and now we're far from home... The Queen will be worried if her two messengers don't come back."
Seriya took up the elf and hugged her. "No need to worry, we're going to take you home!" The girl looked back at the squire and the fugitive noble. "Right?"

Notes: SO MUCH DIALOGUE DASKDANSDKASMKDAMS Welp, I'm done with this chapter, hopefully next chapter gets interesting enough. AND YOU'LL GET TO MEET TWO OF MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS FOR THIS STORY!
LUlz, sorry for the very long wait. :<
Trans note: Defin's misery is a commonly used term for "a lot of shit"
Millidi is a formal term used by elves to say "milady" -di is added as kind of a "my" statement, like "my lord" or "my Queen", etc.
Mali means male and milli means female.