Monday, August 30, 2010

Chapter 8: Demon's Reign: Trials (H&K)

(Note: The letters means that this story section is Harald and Kriel, and Jarald is taking the King position.)

Harald woke up with surprise when he discovered that Jarald was not sleeping above him.
Then everything from the day before came back. He wondered if Kriel would throw him against the wall like Jarald did. He looked quite muscular under all those clothes.
Peering over the edge, he saw, to his surprise, that Kriel was already awake. The king seemed lost in thought though, as if a daze.
The king looked very surprised when he spoke.
"I'm sorry, did I disturb you?"
"No, no, not at all.."Kriel shook his head as if he just came in contact with reality. "Just, was..thinking about something."
"I thought nobles sleep in."
Kriel grimaced. "I dunno about the others, but I certainly don't. I rather not sleep away my days."
Harald chuckled."You'll certainly won't..."

Jarald woke up in shock. He wasn't in his room. Then he remembered the "stupid deal about a noble's business" he made yesterday.
"Arghhhhh. Can't believe I did that." Jarald cursed himself for stupidity, and resigned himself to look at his surroundings.
The room, which seemed much friendlier in the morning light, was completely surrounded by books. Thick ones, thins ones, well-worn, new, leather covers, or just plain paper bound, they were stacked in neat piles or shelved. A small desk of cherry stood in the corner, with scrolled parchments and a ink well, while a dresser propped up against another. A small table set stood in front of a cold, dead fireplace, with a basket of steaming loaves inside. A rainbow of lights splashed across the oak floor, and as Jarald rolled out of the bed, his feet touched a firm, red velvet rug with a pattern of leaves scattered around it. Besides the carved designs of the furniture, and the bed, it looked like a miniature version of the castle's library.
"Huh. Quite simple." Jarald helped himself to loaves on table, and rummaged through the dresser. Nothing was of his size though, so he shoved it closed.
A scrolled parchment was placed upon the dresser. The squire broke the seal, and Kriel's fine, spidery script jumped out.
To J or H (In hope you can read.):
Considering that you have no idea what I do, I wrote down what I usually do this moon. You don't have to follow though.
First off, clothes are in a box underneath the encyclopedias. I got your measurements from the tailor's, and had garments made.
Please take care of my books, graphs, maps, and sketches. I would be most angered if anything happens to them.
Usually, during workdays, I am in the gardens in the morning, until 12 o' clock. I've arranged lunch in the courtyard, alone, so you won't have to run into anyone. After lunch, I tend to either head to the library or observatory for four hours or so. At seven, I head out for an hour outside of the castle, then retreat at eight for supper in my room. I usually wander or stay in my room until ten, so during this time you can visit your brother, SECRETLY.
Restdays are spent the same way in the mornings, and after that I wander outside castle grounds. I suggest you take a weapon with you, and saddle my horse Epona.

Pelros in the Observatory can help you if you have any questions.

Enjoy your time. You'll enjoy the food, definitely.


After finishing the letter, Jarald started to roll it back up, decided better of it, and tore the paper into shreds. He searched for the box, changed, and headed to the gardens.

"Jarald, you're on time, I see..." Kriel gulped when he heard the twin's name.
"Psst. Say, 'yes sir'." Harald nudged the king.
Stammering, with a dry mouth, Kriel managed a feeble "Yes sir." and the Knightmaster walked by.
"Jarald, you seem flustered today." A squire standing next to Kriel sneered at him. "What's up, dead tongue?"
Kriel ignored him, since he didn't know who he was. Harald however, leaned over and tweaked his nose.
"Thanks, Barvoski, but as you see, Jarald isn't available today. I appreciate your concern."
Barvoski looked like he was going to throw back a sharp retort, but instead, grinned and slapped Harald on the back.
"Right," Silveryn said, when he finished with the attendance. "we'll begin duel practicing today."
"Shoot." Harald muttered, and turned to Kriel. "Are you okay with dueling?"
"Sort of.."

"Sort of. Really." Harald shook his head in awe. "You just went and annihilated all those pros."
Kriel stopped, a look of recognition spreading across his face. "Oh shoot..."
"Is Jarald good at dueling?"
"Not really, why- Oh Peruse's Tears." Harald smacked himself on the forehead. "Well, he's gonna have a lot to look forward to when he comes back." Harald laughed.
Suddenly, a grrrrr was heard.
"What, what was that?!" The squire furiously scanned their surroundings
"'s my stomach..." Kriel blushed a bright red. "I haven't dueled that hard in a while..."
He could only watch, embarrassed, as the squire collapsed into a mess of laughter.

"Whew! This tastes great! What is it?" Kriel pushed away the bowl that he was eating from, empty, and completely licked clean.
"I thought you're a king..." Harald was staring at the king with surprise.
"Wouldn't you have better table manners? And that's stew." Harald was still on his first bowl, and had stopped eating to see Kriel gobble up three bowls in under ten minutes.
"You're gonna get sick."
"Nah. Anyhow,what do you people do after this?"
"Uhh, free time. We're only allowed to either go to the library, horseback riding, archery practice, and..huh, well, training grounds."
"Mhm. See ya then."
"Huh?" But the king already left.
Harald made a move to go after him, but suddenly, a bright mess of red curls tackled him. "Harald!" Seriya yelled with enthusiasm.
"Mff uff." Harald was having the unpleasant experience of getting his face ground into the hard pavement.
"Seriya!" Sol can running up to the pair and pulled Seriya off.
As the squire stood up and brushed himself off, Sol asked the question which was bugging him.
"Who was that?"
Harald did his best not to show shock, but felt his right eyelid twitch slightly.
"What do you mean?" He asked with caution.
Seriya giggled. "Oh, Harald-san, we know that not Jarald-kun. He don't, eh, fight like that!"
(Cut in. ((Lol fail attempt at giving Seriya a Japanese accent.)) Done. Not intended to make her sound like a Weeaboo. I know Japanese, okay.)
Sol, who usually didn't give threats, decided to throw one now. "If you don't tell us..." he fumbled for a convincing threat.
"We'll tell Knightmaster!" Seriya helpfully added.
"Tell me what?"
"Crap." was all that Harald could manage.

Kriel originally intended to head to the library, but the feeling of foreboding had pried and pulled at him all day.
So instead of heading to the comfort of books, he found himself heading towards the castle's dark, cold storehouse to get that.
It wouldn't hurt, right?

"Lira Avol." Kriel muttered the words under his breath while picturing light, and sure enough, clear blue hovering ball of light appeared around shoulder height, lighting up the dark weaponry.
He stumbled a bit, tripping over boxes that he thought were shadows.
At the very corner, the dark hid a long slim box made of ghostly white ivory. Red rubies ornamented the box and glimmered in the bluish light, shimmering mystically as if they were burning with flame from their hearts.
"Lova Aril." The light went out, leaving the king in darkness. But not for long.
He blew gently on the box, and it responded with a warm glow of crimson
Something inside it clicked, and out slid a glowing, but very faintly, sword, similar to an Italian style dueling rapier. It was silver from tip to hilt, and a ice blue sapphire was set. Words were written, and as Kriel tilted it, they shone in gold.
Moda Quade Necess ne neque ol Calig
Only when needed and never for darkness.
"Never for darkness, huh." Kriel smiled grimly. "No one ever stays pure.."
And with that, Kriel sheathed his mother's sword in a black sheath. "Lira Avol." And left the weaponry.
The box shut with a sigh, as if it was in reminisce.

Kriel was locking the door, when someone came up from behind.
"Hey." Jarald said.
The king turned around quickly, and warily. When he saw it was the squire, he visibly relaxed, but kept a defensive position.
"Don't hey me." Jarald gestured to the light hovering next to Kriel. In his haste, he forgot to take it out. "Are you some mage or something?"
"No?" Kriel didn't feel like sharing his knowledge, especially with someone like Jarald.
"Great. All we need is some ruler to have magic now."
Kriel was sick of hearing everything he used was another way to "torture" the subjects. "So?" he snapped.
"So? You're father also used magic you know."
"That doesn't make me like him. Nothing makes me like him. Stop using your stupid, 'oh so superior' false knowledge as if every noble was your enemy!"
"They are."
"And, so what? It's not like all of us are the same!"
"Well!" Jarald was snarling now. "All the ones I've met are just foolish, selfish, power-hungry bastards! They take everything from you! You may not know this, but there are people out there! Starving, enslaved, killed, or tortured, all for your pleasures!"
"Oh, really? Prove it."
"YOU don't have to deal with people trying to backstab you for their own needs. You don't have to witness a punishment or killing of a convict. You don't have to feel helpless as people die because of someone of the same rank as you.'ve never...seen someone killed for a 'greater cause'."
"Greater cause?" Jarald was a bit startled at all the problems he never thought about, but the last one intrigued him. "What do you mean?"
"Nothing." Kriel said gruffly, trying his hardest not to release the tears that came without warning. He hoped the squire wouldn't notice.
Unfortunately, with his experience of Harald doing the exact same thing, Jarald noticed.
"What's...wrong?" he asked awkwardly. He didn't expect that such a cold acting figure would cry.
"None of your business, nosy fool."
Jarald didn't know what to do. If I was Harald, I would make her lau- Her? He wondered why he mixed up genders. Taking a second glance, he realized that Kriel looked similar to Seriya's way of frustration.
And he remembered that position. From a while back.
That way Kriel rubbed the teary eyes and glanced away, whenever Jarald tried to capture the face.
And the position seemingly similar to defeat.
Same as his mother, that day when they had to leave the village.
"I'm all right. It's nothing. Don't you worry, okay?"
"Uh..." The squire opened his mouth as Kriel finally got a hold on the tears.
"What." The king snapped.
"I don't really know how to put this, but...Kriel...are you a female?"

So anyhow, you saw Seriya's fail Japanese accent.
And how long this is.
And how I make up MAGIKAL WERDS.
Mhm, training went pretty well.
Well, action's a starting!
Lol i stole Epona's name from Legend of Zelda...Link has a horse called that. :V


  1. LOL... The end is so funny. Anyway, the accent is good only when you know Seriya has a Japanese accent. At first,it was confusing, but afterwards, it sounded more realistic.

    One spelling error.

    "So? You're father also used magic you know."

  2. So? You are father also used magic you know.

  3. Soo, uh, your is correct. xD
    You're is a form of you are.

  4. the magical dealer in pens.September 13, 2010 at 8:20 PM

    When i first read the first sentence I read it as
    "Harald woke up with surprise when he discovered that Jarald was not sleeping with him."
    I like chocked on my candy, but when I read it again it said above.
    Still above hmm that could be taken the wrong way too huh?
    ooohhh the double entrendres...

  5. Lol Connie, you sounded a bit perverted. xD
    Lol chock. xD
