Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Chapter 3: The Demon's Reign: Introduction P1

"Ah Jarald, once again...the late one."
Jarald looked at his feet, face turning red as Silvyren lectured him in front of his comrades.
"A knight must always be punctual. A knight that reports late to duties can cause deaths of innocent civilians, let a monster sneak into the town, cause plans to be delayed...."
Jarald wasn't paying attention however. He had heard this all before. Instead, his wandering eyes glanced toward a figure under a tree.
"...and so, Jarald, you will receive cleaning duties for a week. For every late minute, you will gain another day."
"Yes sir." The squire bowed awkwardly, clinging onto his lance as it threatened to knock him off balance.
"Alright now, break into groups of three. Six groups will follow me for patrol. Everyone else, train."
Relieved that the lecture was over, and a bit pissed at the thought of cleaning duties, Jarald walked off toward the dummies located at the edge of the field. Harald and his friend Sal soon caught up with the lance user.
" 'Least he didn't give you mucking duties," Sal sighed wistfully, recalling his own punishment for falling asleep while horseback riding.
"Well, I wouldn't have gotten the punishment in the first place if Harald hadn't woken me up." Jarald grumbled.
"Not my fault that you always toss me into a wall."
"Hai guys, wanna go first?" Sal had a cocky expression, as if he was proud of something.
"Whatever, mister. You look like you have some new move," said Harald.
"Hehe, watch this." Whirling his mace at an incredible speed, Sal charged at the straw dummy, but, instead of colliding he leaped into the air. "ICE SMASH!", and with that, brought down the mace sealing the dummy into a block of ice.
"You missed the point of smashing it." Jarald pointed out dryly.
"I'm still working on it."
"While you're working on it, I'll show you something." Grinning, Harald spun an arrow, which ignited with golden flames. "Let the winds guide this purifying shot, Holy Arrow!" and fired.
It blasted through the ice block, shattering it into an shower of shards. The dummy however, was caught up on the arrow's momentum, and crashed into a tree. Streaks of gold light lingered against the blue sky.
"Nice..." the other two said.
"But, I bet I could do better." Jarald smirked at his twin.
"Oh, really Mister Lanceman? You can barely carry that thing around."
"I can hold it, and I am holding it."
"More like falling over to me." The siblings started to bicker, when suddenly a large roar echoed through the training yard. All the squires looked up in shock.
"Wha-what was that?" Sal stuttered.
Notes: Effing stuck. Just gonna post et. CLIFFHANGER! :D
I think the rawring thingy is gonna be some boar....o.o
Epically fail story, first time trying to work in some moves. ):

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