Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Chapter 4: The Demon's Reign: Introduction P2

From the depths of the forest near the training yard, an Ebony Bear charged out frothing at its mouth.
"You know what, change of plans. Whoever beats the bear first, is better." Jarald challenged his brother. Harald just grinned.

"Critical Pierce!" Jarald's lance pierced the bear though its shoulder. Pained and enraged by the lance sticking out of its side, the Ebony Bear charged at Harald, who was readying up a shot.
"Hail Wind!"
The bear had just swiped its claw at the small figure when it froze.
"Oh great Harald, you got my lance stuck."
"Pull it out."
"Why don't you?"
"It's your property."
"Fine..." Jarald carefully climbed up the towering ice figure, careful not to slip. He headed towards his lance when...
Ice fragments flew as the bear broke free of its prison.
Trapped underneath the bear's paw, Jarald could only cringe as the Ebony Bear readied for the kill.
"May Beddor guide this blow, Dark Shatter!"
The fiend could only scream in agonized pain as it "broke" into shadowy pieces and faded in the sunlight.
"JARALD!" Harald rushed towards his twin, who was trying to stand up.
"Ugh, hey, well, it's a tie, eh...?" Jarald fainted from the agony of trying to stand on two broken legs.

"Looks like he's awake now."
The lancer blinked, slowly registering his surroundings.
"JARALD! YOU'RE OKAY!" Harald tackled the bedded Jarald, who immediately yelled with pain. His brother had landed on his newly healed legs.
"Get off!" He winced and pushed of Harald, who landed on the floor with a thump.
"Good thing we had a visit from a clergy eh?" Harald grinned at his brother, who painfully smiled back.
"Well, well, so this is the victim?"
Jarald could only stare in surprised shock as his savior looked quite..similar to the twins.
"You look like us..only much skinnier."
"That's what I've been hearing." Kriel could only chuckle as the squire tried to close his open mouth.
"Jarald, this is Lord Kriel...you know?"

Notes: Yes, moar lame-ass dialogue, but finally! I'm dun with the intros of chars introing each other! Nao teh hard part... Sigh.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Chapter 3: The Demon's Reign: Introduction P1

"Ah Jarald, once again...the late one."
Jarald looked at his feet, face turning red as Silvyren lectured him in front of his comrades.
"A knight must always be punctual. A knight that reports late to duties can cause deaths of innocent civilians, let a monster sneak into the town, cause plans to be delayed...."
Jarald wasn't paying attention however. He had heard this all before. Instead, his wandering eyes glanced toward a figure under a tree.
"...and so, Jarald, you will receive cleaning duties for a week. For every late minute, you will gain another day."
"Yes sir." The squire bowed awkwardly, clinging onto his lance as it threatened to knock him off balance.
"Alright now, break into groups of three. Six groups will follow me for patrol. Everyone else, train."
Relieved that the lecture was over, and a bit pissed at the thought of cleaning duties, Jarald walked off toward the dummies located at the edge of the field. Harald and his friend Sal soon caught up with the lance user.
" 'Least he didn't give you mucking duties," Sal sighed wistfully, recalling his own punishment for falling asleep while horseback riding.
"Well, I wouldn't have gotten the punishment in the first place if Harald hadn't woken me up." Jarald grumbled.
"Not my fault that you always toss me into a wall."
"Hai guys, wanna go first?" Sal had a cocky expression, as if he was proud of something.
"Whatever, mister. You look like you have some new move," said Harald.
"Hehe, watch this." Whirling his mace at an incredible speed, Sal charged at the straw dummy, but, instead of colliding he leaped into the air. "ICE SMASH!", and with that, brought down the mace sealing the dummy into a block of ice.
"You missed the point of smashing it." Jarald pointed out dryly.
"I'm still working on it."
"While you're working on it, I'll show you something." Grinning, Harald spun an arrow, which ignited with golden flames. "Let the winds guide this purifying shot, Holy Arrow!" and fired.
It blasted through the ice block, shattering it into an shower of shards. The dummy however, was caught up on the arrow's momentum, and crashed into a tree. Streaks of gold light lingered against the blue sky.
"Nice..." the other two said.
"But, I bet I could do better." Jarald smirked at his twin.
"Oh, really Mister Lanceman? You can barely carry that thing around."
"I can hold it, and I am holding it."
"More like falling over to me." The siblings started to bicker, when suddenly a large roar echoed through the training yard. All the squires looked up in shock.
"Wha-what was that?" Sal stuttered.
Notes: Effing stuck. Just gonna post et. CLIFFHANGER! :D
I think the rawring thingy is gonna be some boar....o.o
Epically fail story, first time trying to work in some moves. ):

Chapter 2: The Demon's Reign: Thy Fated


"I beg of you, your Majesty. My village is suffering and needs-"
"Seed for plowing and farming, am I correct?"
The gaunt farmer looked up in surprise. "Yes, that is correct."
"Very well." Kriel motioned to the treasurer at the right of the throne. The man brought forth twenty sacks of soybeans.
"What shall be the payment, my Majesty?"
Kriel smiled. "Pay us back when the harvest is well and thriving. That will be enough."
"My Majesty..."
"Please go and take the sacks. May the Lady shine on your planting."
Appalled and overjoyed, the farmer left, carrying the sacks in a beaten down wagon.
"My Lord, are you sure it was a wise idea for giving food to peasants?"
Kriel glanced at his advisor. "I am sure, Proditus. Without our subjects and new plants, we will starve."
"But it's better if we keep it. If the commoners do not wield a good harvest, we will starve. The king and his closest men should stay alive at least."
Sighing, Kriel got off the throne. "The subjects rely on us, and we rely on them. It is not only a noble's world. And I thought you were an advisor. No matter, I need to retreat outside."
"But, outside is-"
"Proditus, you are dismissed."
Proditus flinched from the prince's gaze, but backed away and bowed. "Your wish, my Lord."
"Thank you." With that, the young prince headed out the wooden doors.
The advisor stared for some time after the retreating figure. He suddenly smiled, with a devilish grin. "You will not be 'my Lord' for long..." Proditus hissed. "Soon, I will take your power. Soon, you will see why I will be a better king, and I will take your head and those devilish eyes and cast them away..."

Groggily, the squire dragged himself out of bed. His twin brother, Harald, was already fully dressed and was stringing his horn bow.
"What? Harald. Why so early?"
Harald snickered at the sleepy squire. "It's not early at all, brother. Check the dial."
Jarald glanced out the window and peered at the sundial set outside. Sure enough, the dial had a quarter of shadow on its round face.
"Harald! Why didn't you wake me earlier?"
"If I did, you would be all cranky and murder me."
"At this rate, Knight-master Silvyren will murder me!" The squire rushed to change clothes and slip into his tunic. "This is bad."
"Well, I'm off."
"Thanks a lot."
"No problem, brother."
Jarald ran around, looking for his armguard and lance. He found them, under the bed that he and Harald shared. Quickly tying the armguard around his arm with one hand, he snatched up the lance and dashed out the door of the room.

This one fails. Okay here, I wuz trying to portray Kriel as a fair king dude. Advisor is a greedy guy, the one who would rather not trust his money in other hands, and would overtax for stupid things, like a statue of himself! Worse than Kriel's daddy. Lame-o dialogue, but yay! Plotting!
Harald and Jarald are twins. :3 I love their names, I just hate how this thing spell-checks all maicharacter's names. D:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Chapter 1: The Demon's Reign: The Start of All Sorrows

Fuck yeah. New chapter. Sucks, but oh well.
Kriel is someone who you may not think to be~ :3
No one's reading this anyhow. Talking to myself.

"I wish...for power."
"Power, you say? Ah, human....you have made the right choice..."
Chilling, red eyes glared from the pit of darkness.
"Free me, and everything will be yours. Free me, and I will give you power...in exchange for a price."
"What would you like?" The man trembled slightly, but his face gave no emotion away. "Power? Riches?"
A leering smile flashed in the shadows. "Your firstborn's blood...and soul."

"Lord Kriel..."
The slim, tall figure made no indication as if it heard.
"Lord Kriel..."
The advisor shivered at the coldness in the child's voice. Fourteen, but with the maturity and wisdom of an adult, Kriel was an intimidating figure.
"Your father...the surgeon says he only has moments."
"Did he call for me?"
"Yes...my lord."
Kriel swiveled around on the chair. The advisor cowered under the silver-blue gaze of the child, as if it glimpsed the very depths of his black, corrupted heart.
"My father called for me, eh? He's finally where he belongs." Kriel walked past the advisor, ignoring his fearful glances. "Finally, among the ones he killed. May they haunt him for eternity."

The king laid on the bed, panting heavily. Breathing was getting harder, and every so often, he would cough up blood.
The door to the room creaked open.
The lad went and stood next to the bed and bowed. The king raised his hand, but Kriel made no move to grasp it. It fell back onto the sheets.
"My chi-child."
An agonizing silence passed. Finally, the king took in a deep breath, and spoke.
"I ca-cannot regret wh-what I did. De-dear chi-child, I am sa-sorry. For wh-what I ca-caused. Bu-but. It wa-was for your sake..." He coughed and spat out a scarlet splotch.
"Like killing Mother? You don't regret killing Mother?"
The king made no reply.
"You, you monster. You killed her. Shoved her down that pit. And in front of the eyes of the young. Do you understand what you've done? DO YOU? AND YOU SAID YOU SAVED ME? FROM WHAT? WHAT?" Kriel took a heaving gasp and continued, "You. Murdered. Your. Wife. The queen. OUR MOTHER. Me and Mai's mother! For what? For WHAT? And all those people you tormented. All those lives you threw away, used them like dolls. Torture. Pain. Those screams still ring in this damned castle. AND YOU CALLED YOURSELF KING? WHAT KIND OF SICK BASTARD ARE YOU?"
There was no sound. Not even the wheezing of the king's struggle for breath. He was gone. The king was gone.
"I hope you suffer forever. For from me, there will be no words to comfort you. Suffer, suffer eternally. Like the ones who you pained did."
Kriel stared at the body that was once the king. Then the child walked out, and into a group of dukes and dames.
"The king is dead." Kriel announced. "I will rule in his position. Burn his body. Let his soul scream in the agonizing pain."

Prologue: The Demon's Reign

Beginning of The Demon's Rule
(I'm seeing if this thing will help me write this dang thing. This dang, epically, stupid thing lame ass story I made up. whoo-hoo. Sorry for the extreme lameness and clicheness of this story, but I'm a terrible writer, imaginer, and etc. I fail.)

Long ago, the God of the Underworld had three powerful beings in rule. They were the opposite of the winged Seraphs of the Goddess, yet performed justice similiar to the winged deities. They were called the Daemons, and led each tainted soul to their eternal destinies. The most wise was Ruthos. He judged the sins of each seperate soul, and decided each punishment. The most powerful was Serente. She dragged the souls of the sinners into the Underworld, and tormented anyone who tried to escape. The most cunning was Etheren. He was granted the power of taking the lives of the damned, and send them to the Underworld. The Judge, the Tormentor, and the Harvester. They were feared, yet, brought balance to the world. Few worshiped or honored them; those who did were often the ones condemned.

But Etheren was unsatisfied. He grew bored of his duty, and played games with the creatures of the ground. Wars and destruction, plots and tyrants, those were all his cause. But even those did not hold his attention for long; for soon, the Harvester wished to bow the world to his will.

With a plan so cunningly laid that even his father, the God of the Underworld, did not learn of until much later, Etheren created a separate dimnesion with the help of the God. He then walked among the mortals and the immortals, reaping souls for his ever-growing army of death. It wasn't all at once; no, it was a child there, an elf here, and a wolf there. He bribed beings with the falsehoods of power, and tricked them into forming a pact that his souls could possess. The possessed creatures became "Demons", monsters with unholy power. And with some of the most strongest, most tainted souls, he created the Bacilicus, six demonic beings, each with strength that were just under Etheren himself. It wasn't until much later that the Council became suspicious. By then, it was too late.

Etheren advanced against the world first. He murdered and burned, killed and slaughtered, until the beings of the world cried for mercy and begged him for 'forgiveness'. The Council could do little to help the world, for Etheren's army was stronger, and the Gods' and Goddesses' strength came from the world's worships and pledges. Even the Creator, the Lady, grew slightly weaker, for many were afraid to pledge to the Goddess, lest Etheren's rage would fall on them.

The Lady decided to enlist the help of mortals, against the other Council's wishes. She found a young lad pushing back the forces of Etheren against his village. Fascinated by his steady hope and loyalty to the Council, she bestowed a great weapon upon the boy, the Aureus Telem, a powerful holy weapon forged of the light of the Goddess herself. It could only be wielded by a courageous, compassionate, loyal, and pure heart. But, the weapon has a reflection. Its power grows as its holder nears death. For the more you use it, your life gets stripped away to fuel the weapon.

The young lad journeyed thought the ravaged world, fighting off groups of demons and undead, who were cursed by Bascilicus to add to their numbers. Others joined him; men, elves, werewolves, and even dragons. The Bascilicus were defeated, and they disappeared from the might. Finally, the boy, now a young man, reached the gates of the heavens.

Etheren had been too busy fighting the Council to notice his army crumbling. But when his generals fell and disappeared, the Harvester felt the losses and flew into a rage, and attacked with even fiercer power. By the time the group reached the battle, all but the Goddess had fallen. But even she, the Creator, was barely standing.

The Harvester flew at the lad, cursing and screaming with rage, and was met with the blade of the Aureus Telem. With a bright burst of light, the hero pierced the Daemon's chest, and fell backwards into the arms of his comerade, just barely alive. The weapon had drained his lifeforce in order to defeat such dark power, but the deed was done. Etheren staggered backward, screeching as the cleansing light of the Aureus Telem spread though him.

"You! YOU!" The enraged Daemon charged at the lad, but was stopped by the Goddess. While the Harvester was distracted, the Creator had trapped Etheren in a prison of light, sealing him away. But even weakened, Etheren was still powerful, and it took the Goddess's remaining energy to seal the dark foe away. With that, the Creator passed, and her spirit spread out into the world, reviving the lands and awakening the remaining Council. But she could not save the boy.

He was gone.

For his bravery and loyalty, the Council blessed his family with pureness and a small fragment of the Goddess's power. They became clerics, holy magic users that could heal the hurt and banish evil, or was blessed with mythical powers. And in the memory of the Goddess, they placed the Aureus Telem in a hidden temple somewhere in the world, where her spirit could rest.

Peace was restored.

But Etheren, even in his sealed state, still plotted to someday dominate the world and heavens.
And so our story begins here.